Main character meeting teacher at his house
I original intended this image to be used as a image that shows that even though they are very serious characters they can still be relaxed individuals, so I tried to keep it like it is and add it in to the indesign project some were to make the project look nicer and more interesting.
Assassin watching Main character and Teacher
I intended to use this image in my indesign project because I saw the image as another chapter in the storyline for the film and I wanted to use this image as a filler for the treatment part of my indesign project to make it look more interesting to read.
Main character and teacher walking
I intended to use this image as a reference to one of the dress codes the characters would be wearing in the film. I also used it as a filler in my indesign project to break up the pages of text I had before I added it.
Main character looking at a leaflet
The intention for this is image, I wanted to use it as a background image for one of my pages in my indesign project but instead I decided to use it as image to break up a bunch of text that was written on one of the pages.
Main character walking in the park
My original intention for this image was for the image to be used as a reference to the reader as to what sort of atmosphere I wanted to set for the film but I later changed that idea and set the image as a breaker in my indesign booklet.